Upcoming Events at The Shrine

Mary as Our Model for Living the Paschal Mystery
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
1:30pm Conference
3pm Concluding Prayer

Mary at the Foot of the Cross
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
Followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
1:30pm Conference
3pm Concluding Prayer

First Friday Devotions
11:30am Mass
Followed by Exposition until 3pm and Atonement Prayers
Confessions at 1:30pm

Preparing for the Mystery of Holy Week
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
1:30pm Conference
3pm Concluding Prayer

Outdoors Stations of the Cross
Outdoors Stations of the Cross led by Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM

Palm Sunday
11:30am Mass with Blessing of Palms
4pm Misa en Español con Bendición de Palmas

Good Friday
10am - Dramatización de la Pasión (Dramatization in Spanish)
12pm - Stations of the Cross (English)
12pm - Servicio de Celebración de la Pasión (Service in Spanish)
4:30pm - Service of the Celebration of the Passion (English)

Easter Sunday
9am Mass (Indoors)
11:30am Mass (at the Rock of Our Lady, weather permitting)
2pm Mass (in Spanish, at the Rock of Our Lady, weather permitting)
Gift Shop & Office CLOSED

Annunciation of the Lord
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
1:30pm Solemn Renewal of the Act of Total Consecration

Spring Clean Up
Shrine Clean-Up Day! Bring a rake or leaf blower or use one of ours.
Free hotdogs for volunteers!

The Seven Last Words of Jesus
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
1:30pm Conference
3pm Concluding Prayer

Living Lent as People Baptized into the Death of Christ
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
1:30pm Conference
3pm Concluding Prayer

The Spiritual Meaning of Lent
11am Rosary
11:30am Mass
Followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
1:30pm Conference
3pm Concluding Prayer

Ash Wednesday
Mass at 11:30am with distribution of Ashes (English)
Misa en español a las 6pm con distribución de Cenizas (Español)

St. Joseph’s Altar Food Drive
We will be collecting non-perishables for St. Anne’s Church in Brentwood until March 19th.

First Friday Devotions
11:30am Mass
Followed by Exposition until 3pm and Atonement Prayers
Confessions at 1:30pm

Filipino Mass canceled this month
There is no Filipino Mass in January. Next Filipino Mass will be on February 2nd.